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#iPole4Her – Raising Awareness for Victims of Domestic Violence
By the time you finish reading this blog, several women, here in the US, will have become victims of Domestic Violence **. The sad fact is most of us have experienced, in one way or another, the horror and destruction of this – within our families, our friends, our pole sister, or maybe even ourselves.
Let me first say this, before saying anything else–If you are currently experiencing domestic violence, there is help, and you can get out! You are part of a community of amazing men and women, who will do whatever you need. Reach out to someone you trust within your studio; whether it be a pole sister or an instructor. In addition, you can contact any of the hotlines or emails I have listed below, or contact me day or night. (My info is listed at the end as well.)
Recently, a movement was created in the effort to raise awareness for the women (and men) who have become victims of domestic violence. Its purpose is that we, as the pole dancing community, can not only lend our hand in building awareness, but also help fundraising efforts for local charities that offer support and help to those victims.
As polers, we have all experienced the empowerment of pole fitness and how it builds confidence both within your body at the studio, and in your everyday life. Our goal with #IPole4Her is to let the victims of domestic violence know they are not alone. There is an entire community that will lend their voice. They have a tribe of polers that are fierce and strong and will defend them. The have their very own squad who will stand up for them and raise awareness for this injustice. In addition, this movement helps to show the healing effects that pole can have – both to their physical wounds and the mental/emotional ones.
Why do #IPole4Her ?
For me, pole has taken a strong body and made it stronger. It has taught me to love the body I have, flaws and all. It has given me confidence to love myself just the way I am and to not accept anything less than the same from my partner. That’s why #IPole4Her – to set by example, to put a foot down (so to speak) and refuse to allow anyone to not respect and care for my body and soul. #IPole4Her to let any and all victims know they are not alone, and to let their abusers know that very same fact.
How Can you Help?
October is Domestic Abuse Awareness month, and that is why we have chosen to launch this movement now. So, how can you help?
- Building Awareness: We are asking for any polers who would like to be featured in our social media campaign to send a photo as well as a personal statement of why #IPole4Her to [email protected]
- Building Awareness: Please go and follow us on IG @ipole4her and on Facebook at Please share our cause with all of your poler (and nonpoler) friends
- Financial Support: The #IPole4Her movement is looking for sponsors for the AllState Purple Purse Foundation. We are asking different aerial and pole industry companies to donate a % of profits at the end of October to this fund. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss the benefits for your company as well as the details.
- Financial Support: To those who would like to donate directly, please visit All State’s Purple Purse foundation, which provides monetary support, nationwide, to those charities that are there for victims of domestic abuse. Find a local ambassador and donate. Our local charity is:
The Launch
We launched our social media campaign on Monday, October 10th with the creator of Curvy Girls Pole and her #IPole4Her statement on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
We are also super excited, that Pretty Little Pole Things, is donating these Keychains to studios. Please send an email to [email protected] or visit them online at for an order form. We recommend a $5 retail sale, with 100% to be donated to your local charity at the end of October.
National Hotline: 800.799.7233
Sarah Jacoby
Direct: 845.866.7653
To Donate:
**Fact published by the United States Justice Department.
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