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Why is posture important?

❓Why is posture important? Or perhaps more accurately; “how we can use looking at static posture to help us understand how our body is moving or not moving from a wholistic perspective.” Think of static posture as the body’s alignment…

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PoleCon 2024 with logo.

PoleCon 2024: Recap

Thank you so much for coming to PoleCon 2024 BACK in the DMV! This is my ninth, live PoleCon as CEO/owner, the thirteenth overall live event since its founding, and it just keeps growing! From one attendee: “This year was…

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Doubles pole dancers with one covering the others' eyes.

You can say “no”

Psssst… you don’t have to do everything your instructor tells you to do. You can say “no.” Only you know what your body is *actually* feeling. If you feel unsafe, not ready, or if a movement is just not working…

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Virtual PoleCon logo with text "thank you for attending!" Oct 2023

Virtual PoleCon 2023 Recap

(also posted on the IPIA website) We held the fourth annual Virtual PoleCon just this past Saturday October 21, 2023, to a small but enthusiastic, virtual crowd! This event was born during the pandemic and has changed in all four…

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