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Lady Curvicorn performs at PoleCon 2019

To My Curvy Sisters

The neat thing about having curves is that you are inextricably a muse for movement. Your body is a living testament to the art of flow, a canvas where rhythm and grace collide in a symphony of undulation. Every sway, every spin, every climb is a declaration—a resounding inspiration for the dancer and a profound sense of awe for the observer. You are poetry in motion, a love letter to the beauty of bodies that refuse to be confined by narrow standards.

I’m writing this love letter because I want you to know that you are seen.

In all your greatness, in all your beauty, in all your skill and hard work, you are seen. You are not an afterthought, not a footnote in the story of Pole. You are the story. Your body, with its curves and strength, its softness and power, is a revolution. And yet, I know the road to this revolution is not easy. It is paved with challenges, both external and internal, that can make you question your place in this art form. But here, in these words, I want to remind you: you belong.

Pole can be a particularly challenging movement form and sport when it comes to having a curvy body.

The industry has a long way to go in accepting us in totality. I know what it’s like to walk into a studio space and feel the subtle judgments of those in smaller bodies who have not done the inner work of acceptance. I know the sting of a teacher struggling to find reasonable accommodations for our bodies or the frustration of choreography that wasn’t built with us in mind. I know the disappointment of studio owners who won’t invest in the proper training necessary for their staff to embody safety, acceptance, and inclusivity for all and the infuriation of sports medicine culture that will not properly study our biomechanics.

These barriers are real, and they are systemic. They are not a reflection of your worth but a reflection of a world that still struggles to see beauty in diversity.

And yet, despite all these challenges, sometimes the biggest obstacle in front of us is our own minds. Our brains can be so cruel, playing the unfair game of comparison to other beautiful performers who were born into different bodies. We shrink ourselves, not because we are small, but because the world has taught us to take up less space. But here’s the truth: your body is not a limitation. It is an asset, a masterpiece, a force of nature. Every curve, every fold, and every stretch mark is a testament to your resilience, your strength, and your story. You are not here to fit into a mold; you are here to break it.

I write this love letter to remind you that you are unique, beautiful, strong, and graceful.

Every attribute of your body—whether small or large, round or flat, textured or smooth—is an asset intended to create your performance and bring life to the story you are telling through your movement. Your body is not a problem to be solved; it is a gift to be celebrated. When you climb that pole, when you spin, when you flow, you are rewriting the narrative of what a dancer’s body should look like. You are fierce and unstoppable, and the way movement flows through your curves is a powerful message to all who choose to receive it.

Your body is a rebellion.

It defies the narrow standards of beauty that have been imposed on us for far too long. It challenges the notion that grace and strength are reserved for certain body types. Your body is proof that pole dancing is not just a sport or an art form—it is a celebration of what it means to be human. To be soft and strong, to be vulnerable and powerful, to be unapologetically yourself.

So, my curvy sisters, I see you. I see the hours you’ve spent practicing, the bruises you’ve earned, the moments of doubt you’ve overcome. I see the way you light up a room when you dance, the way you inspire others to embrace their own bodies, the way you are changing the face of pole dancing one spin at a time. You are not just dancers; you are pioneers. You are proof that beauty knows no size, that strength knows no limits, and that grace is not confined to a single shape.

This is your love letter, your reminder, your anthem. You are enough. You are more than enough.

You are a force to be reckoned with, a vision of beauty and power, evidence of what it means to rise above the barriers and claim your space. Keep climbing, keep spinning, keep shining. The world is better because you are in it, and with the pole as your partner, you are transforming this space.

With all my love and admiration,

Luna Riots

Luna Riots
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