To My Curvy Sisters
The neat thing about having curves is that you are inextricably a muse for movement. Your body is a living testament to the art of flow, a canvas where rhythm and grace collide in a symphony of undulation. Every sway,…
The neat thing about having curves is that you are inextricably a muse for movement. Your body is a living testament to the art of flow, a canvas where rhythm and grace collide in a symphony of undulation. Every sway,…
Thank You for Applying to PoleCon! Goodbye. Showcase selection explained and how to make the best submission for next year. January has always felt exceptionally long. For one, everything we had put off until the New Year is not circling…
Maybe you’re an ancient crypt keeper of the judging world, or maybe this is your first time wielding the mighty clipboard of power. Either way, one thing is undeniable: Judging is hard work! Competitors put their hearts on the line,…
Down But Not Out Check out part 1 for some more thoughts about mental health and pole at this link. As much as we all hope and try to be, we are not robots. We are fragile organic beings that…
If you’re reading this, then you love pole dancing. Well, at least one can safely assume. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced student, performer, instructor, competitor, or swer, pole dancing is a large part of your life and heart. Regardless…
You’re doing everything right—Training both sides. Eating well. Hitting the gym and the studio. …But you’re not progressing. You’re tired all the time. Moves that once seemed hard are *still* hard. “Where are my gainz?!!” You scream at an Instagram…
Starting for the 2025 PoleCon event, PoleCon and the IPIA is offering three needs-based grant opportunities to help pole-preneurs or those that want to become pole-preneurs who would otherwise be unable to attend the event. Submissions Close: March 1, 2025…
Typical corporate-type “day jobs,” can help inform the way that we cooperate in the studio, as students, as teachers, and as studio owners. Similarly, the love, camaraderie, and closeness of human experience that we learn in the studio can also…
The holidays have already started, and that can bring changes in training schedules, added stress, and gatherings with family and friends that can lead to less than desirable eating habits. You might end up feeling fatigued, bloated and irritable because…
Whether you’re someone who makes multiple lists when packing (me, a Virgo rising), or a “toss things in and hopes for the best,” packer (my friend, a Sagittarius), some things are fairly obvious and easy to remember. Of course, you’ll…