This is A LOT of information but should answer most questions for applicants about how to apply and what to expect at PoleCon for performances. If you have any questions, please email PoleCon.
Please see PoleCon YouTube Channel for what the stage looks like and for representative examples of all showcase performances.
*this page last updated February 7, 2025*
In “At PoleCon” section find:
- Stage Set Up at PoleCon
- Stage Set Up for All Solo Performers
- Stage Set Up for Duets/Groups/Troupes
- Stage Set Up for Aerialists
- Stage Safety
- Music
- Bio
- Props
- Costumes
- **Costume, Prop and Movement Restrictions Specified by the Event Venue**
- Grip Aids
- Pole Testing at PoleCon
- Schedule for Showcases and Show Order at PoleCon
- Day Of Your Showcase at PoleCon
- Start Position for Your Performance at PoleCon
- Photos/Video of Your Performance
- Marketing and Model Release
- Tickets for My Parents/Boo/Friend
PoleCon is about inclusion and diversity. We strive to include as many performers with diverse styles and backgrounds as possible. We also strive to include many new performers at PoleCon.
PoleCon is also a private company. While we respect the creativity of our performers, we reserve the right to halt any performance that is offensive such as performing in black face. If you are unsure if your concept is offensive, please contact PoleCon directly to chat.
Applying to Perform at PoleCon
Applications to perform open in September for the following June event. All applicants apply using a Google Form for free. Applicants are chosen by a combination of guest curators (specified in the form who those people are for that year) and PoleCon staff.
- You will NOT received feedback on your application whether you are accepted or rejected from PoleCon. This is due to the number of applications and not in any way reflective of you or your performance.
- You can apply to multiple showcases. Please note, you will only be able to perform in a solo performance ONCE at PoleCon. You may be part of a troupe AND also have a solo. Apply using multiple individual applications. You cannot apply to multiple showcases using one application so please submit multiple applications to different showcases if you want to apply to more than one showcase.
- Make sure your application video is PUBLIC. Curators will not review private videos and they will not contact you to make the video public. Try to make your application video a full performance video rather than a short combo you filmed. Ask a friend to test before you send the video in (using the Google form). If no curator is listed, PoleCon is reviewing submissions for that showcase.
- Be safe! If you share a video that has a text-based description (like a YouTube link or Instagram link), please do not say that you are doing anything unsafe in the description! Examples: “I’m so f-ked up right now, just took 10 shots.” “I’ve never tried this before; hope I don’t break my back again.” Any performers who do not adhere to our safety standards will be disqualified from performing at PoleCon.
- Be yourself. Do make your video representative of the style you are applying for. If you are applying for comedy, make sure your video is funny; if you are applying to sexy, make sure your video is sexy. Yes, there is a lot of interpretation in styles and that’s ok!
- Be clear in your concept. Your video does NOT have to be the exact video of the performance you intend to perform at PoleCon. Explaining your concept can help the curators understand what you will bring to the stage if chose to perform. Including information about you is great! It let’s us know who you are <3
- Perform somewhere else first. We don’t recommend PoleCon as your first solo performing experience (as a group, it can be super fun!). While not a competition, performing for the first time can be scary and you will be sharing the stage with pole stars which for some is exhilarating and for others is terrifying. Please perform in a studio showcase, in a bar/club or in a competition before applying to PoleCon. Or be part of a troupe. A PoleCon troupe performance is perfect for a first time PoleCon performer.
- Everyone is welcome. You don’t have to be a certain size, skill level, ethnicity, or gender to perform in any showcase. All genders folks are welcome to apply to Men of Pole (for instance), people of all sizes are welcome in showcases other than Dangerous Curves, etc. Apply for the showcase you WANT to perform in. The only exception is sexy – under 18 performers will not be considered for the sexy showcase. Under 18 performers may apply for the Pole Comedy showcase, however, parents/guardians should now that showcase often has adult themes. Troupes/groups/duets/trios are welcome in every showcase.
- Just because you are the best doesn’t mean you will be accepted to perform. Because PoleCon tries to have as diverse a performer group as possible, this means that we do not select people based solely on number of champions won or other accolades.
- For Troupes and Groups applicants ONLY, the “representative” performance does not have to include all members of your proposed troupe. The Google form will ask for an estimated number of people in your troupe.
- You don’t need to perform with a pole. Even though it’s “Pole” Con you can apply to perform without a pole (just the floor or with a chair) to ANY showcase other than the aerial showcase, example: burlesque is welcome! (just see the costume rules below.)
- All applicants will be notified yes/no/alternate per showcase by email for all submitted applications. If you apply to 10 showcases, you will receive 10 emails. If you do not receive an email from PoleCon, please email PoleCon to confirm status within one week of deadline to receive a response. (see below for notes on how to “white list” an email so you don’t miss any emails from PoleCon!)
- No, there is no maximum or minimum time specified for your application video. It should be long enough to showcase yourself/your concept/the vibe of the showcase (for instance, be “funny” when applying to Pole Comedy). Some people choose to share entire performance pieces, some share pieces that are much shorter. Generally a shorter video that just shows a combo will probably not show who you are as a dancer. Choose what is appropriate for you.
Fees to Apply to PoleCon
There are no fees to apply to perform at PoleCon.
If accepted, any/all performers MUST have to PURCHASE a ticket to PoleCon to perform—either a day pass or weekend pass to perform.
All performers receive a discount off their ticket to PoleCon + a small gift at PoleCon received after they perform. You cannot share your performer discount. Discount code will be provided via email in the acceptance emails. The discount amount may change depending on the year. Please refer to discount amount details in the Google form for the event you are applying for.
Performers under 18 must have a parent/guardian with them at all time who has a pass. Parent/guardian in this case may also use the performer discount.
Human props (up to 3) and the parent/guardian of an under-18 performer qualify and may use the performer discount.
If you submit your music and other required information later than the stated deadline for the event you are performing in, then you will be issued a $20 fine to perform at PoleCon to be collected before your performance in person.
No one performs without a pass to PoleCon.
No one is paid to perform at PoleCon
Alternate Performers at PoleCon
1-3 performers are chosen as alternate performers per showcase. Sometimes performers must cancel their performance at PoleCon. Having alternates available mean the maximum amount of people can perform and are prepared to perform.
Alternates will receive the same performer discount and prepare as if they are performing but may not actually perform.
Communication from PoleCon
Email can sometimes be blocked so to facilitate communication, we set up a Facebook Group for performers for every event. We highly encourage joining that group once you are accepted to perform in case of email issues. This group is for performers only.
A new Facebook Group will be set up every year. Old group will be closed by September 1 or whenever all photos have been delivered; whichever is sooner.
Ensure the email addresses colleen and info are white-listed. Here is information on how to do that. Otherwise, important PoleCon emails may go to your spam folder.
At PoleCon
Be kind to everyone while you are at PoleCon. That might mean clapping for the other performers or not beating yourself up for missing a move.
Please adhere to the code of conduct while at PoleCon (this link, FAQ “What are the physical safety precautions at PoleCon?”).
When not in a PoleCon space (such as in the hotel lobby, common area, casino, or other places that are not the PoleCon space) please make sure to wear clothing that you would regularly wear when entering a regular place of business like a mall.
Stage Set Up at PoleCon
- Poles are 45mm chrome, competition grade, static and spinning XPoles, 12 feet tall
- Truss is 12 feet tall (12 ft usable space for poles, 12 ft of height for aerialist)
- Total stage area 24 ft (deep) x 32 ft (wide) and is 4 ft high.
- Poles are ~9-10 feet apart.
- There is ~9-10 feet of space in every direction around the poles (to the front of the poles, to the back, from the edge of the truss to the poles).
- Floor covering is black Marley dance flooring.
- You may enter from stage right (and Live! Hotel) or start on stage. Events not held at Live! may have other options for stage entering. You specify starting position with the PoleCon Stage Manager in person.
- At the Live! Hotel and Casino venue there is a short walk from the stairs to the truss. There are no obstacles in the way. At other PoleCon venues, there is no walk from the stairs to the truss.
- Do not jump on or off the stage. (Jumping while on stage is fine)
- Do not enter or exit off the front of the stage.
Stage Set Up for All Solo Performers: The pole stage right (when you are standing on stage looking out — your right) is on spin and the pole on your left is static.
Stage Set Up for Duets/Groups/Troupes: Specify which pole is static and which is spin when you send in your music.
Stage Set Up for Aerialists
You MUST bring your own equipment including your apparatus, your span set, swivel, carbiner, etc. or arrange to share with another performer (post in the FB group to find a buddy!). PoleCon does not provide mats for aerialists. If you require mats, please bring them or email PoleCon directly to discuss sourcing one local to the venue.
PoleCon does not provide equipment in the aerial showcase. PoleCon will remove the poles before we hang your equipment. Please specify what equipment you’re bringing — lyra, swinging pole, etc. in your application and in your performer form.
Stage Safety
PoleCon has at least one medic trained in first aid, CPR and how to use an AED machine by the stage at all times. PoleCon additionally has it’s own AED machine by the stage and knows where the venue AED machine also is located.
Please ensure you are healthy enough to perform. If you are pregnant, please confirm that your doctor is ok with having you perform.
Stage Diagrams

~9-10 feet between poles and between the poles and the truss in all directions.
Stage Photo

At Live! Hotel, there is a short walk between the stairs and the truss. In other hotels there is not. At Live! Hotel, entrance is from stage right only.
Performers will submit Music, Bio, and Prop details via a Google Form. The form is usually due 4-6 weeks before the event. Check your acceptance email for specific date and link to the form.
- 4 min max.
- Does not have to be on music licensing.
- Curse words are ok.
- All music will be checked to confirm it works. Any people who have issues with their music will be contacted directly after submission.
- Music is submitted using a Google form as a music file.
- Spotify, Apple Music or other links to online music players are not acceptable.
- Yes, performers in the freestyle showcase submit music. Submit a song you would dance to and a song that is similar (in style/genre) will be picked for you. You will NOT dance to the specific song that you submit.
Are ok — even people props — people props are allowed to use the performer discount. Limit 3 people props. Please make sure your prop can be assembled and disassembled on stage quickly.
A “prop” is defined as anything that is not attached to your body or that leaves your body (such as a piece of your costume) during your performance. Please see all costume rules in the costume section.
A human prop does NOT touch the pole.
You must submit all props with your music and bio via the Google form. Potentially hazardous props will not be approved. All props will be reviewed. If there is a problem with your prop, PoleCon will email you to discuss.
List of props that will not be approved:
- No glitter or confetti (glitter applied to the body that does not come off is ok; spreading or shooting glitter or confetti is not ok).
- No food or liquid — anything that needs a tarp is no longer (from 2024 event onward). This change has been made to keep the showcases moving faster.
- No fire of any kind.
- No smoke machines or anything that causes smoke.
- No glass objects, please use plastic.
- Prop guns should have a red or orange tip on the end to let folks know its fake.
- DO NOT TOUCH THE TRUSS or hang from it with your body parts during your performance. This is for your safety, trusses can be dirty/have grease on them.
- No lollipole lyra or stage poles (from 2023 onward). This change has been made to keep the showcases moving faster.
Thongs are 100% ok. No butt hole can be showing. No “plumbers crack” (top of the butt crack) can be showing. No genitalia can be showing.
“Bikini” top equivalent breast and nipple coverage (you cannot “get down” to pasties) for performers with breasts **some performers have suggested that all performers cover their nipples in solidarity of this rule.**
**Costume, Prop and Movement Restrictions Specified by the Event Venue**
- No sex toys, dildos, straps ons, etc as a prop or as a costume
- No scissoring between performers on stage.
- No grabbing boobs or crotch (your own or someone else’s) — CARESSING IS OK!
- Obscene gestures are ok! Examples: “stroking” the pole, pretending to give a blow job with your tongue pushing your cheek out, flicking off the audience, etc.
- Lap dancing is ok, as long as clothes are on and no grabbing (caressing ok!)
- Humping (the floor, others, etc.) is ok, as long as clothes are on and no grabbing (caressing ok!)
- No accepting cash tips from the audience. If you’re doing anything with a money gun on stage (a few of you are) it must be clearly fake money.
- Thongs are 100% ok. No butt hole can be showing. No “plumbers crack” (top of the butt crack) can be showing. No genitalia can be showing.
- “Bikini” top equivalent breast and nipple coverage (you cannot “get down” to pasties) for performers with breasts **some performers have suggested that al performers cover their nipples in solidarity.**
- No mesh tops showing pasties underneath.
- It is recommended all performers wearing a top to cover breast tissue additionally wear pasties under the top to avoid potential unintentional “nip slips.”
Costume Ok
April Haze performing at PoleCon 2023 is in a bikini top with a bikini thong style bottom. This performer is also wear pasties under the bikini top “just in case” which can be seen in some photos.

Costume Not Ok
Emily Elise preferred costume at PoleCon 2024. Emily was asked to change after her top was reviewed by the hotel staff over concerns it would be non-compliant with venue rules.

Grip Aids
Pole Testing at PoleCon
Pole testing is priority for the showcases held that day. For instance, if you perform on Sunday, come Sunday morning. If you come on Saturday morning you will be last priority after performers performing Saturday.
- Thursday before PoleCon kicks off at 530pm — we will send out exactly what times are available closer to PoleCon (usually 3pm-5pm)
- Friday/Saturday 7am-9am
- Sunday 7am-9am, aerialists please attend this “pole” testing. Please bring your equipment to confirm hanging height.
Schedule for Showcases and Show Order at PoleCon
The entire schedule (including showcases, free workshops/seminars and paid workshops) will be released mid-February for the following June event.
Show order of performers per showcase will be determined after music is submitted and released usually 2-3 weeks before the event. Order is determined by guest curators and PoleCon.
Order will then also be in the detailed description of the schedule in WellnessLiving and published in images shared via social media. Images will be shared in the Facebook performer group first.
- Sexy and Para Pole are always Thursday night.
- BGP is always Friday night.
- Aerial is always the last showcase on Sunday afternoon.
- All other showcases may move/change schedule slightly.
Day Of Your Showcase at PoleCon
Please arrive back stage 30 min before your showcase is scheduled to start to check in with the PoleCon Stage Manager.
There is limited space back stage (which is really to the side of the stage) to warm up however you can warm up anywhere there is space and use the pole playgrounds. There is NO dedicated pole for performers to warm up on. Please come ready in makeup/costume. PoleCon does not provide hair or makeup artists however, there may be some available. Join the Facebook Performer group to discuss with other performers.
A list of the schedule of shows and performers will be available backstage.
We like to take a group photo at the end of each showcase whenever possible. Try not to run off. =)
Start Position for Your Performance at PoleCon
You specify your start position for when the music starts with the PoleCon Stage Manager in person (such as you walk on or you are sitting next to the spin pole when the music starts).
DO NOT exit or enter off the front of the stage — it’s 4 feet high and I don’t want anyone to get hurt jumping or landing wrong.
Shows should start on time/as scheduled however sometimes things happen and there is a short (up to 15 minute) delay.
After your performance, you will receive a small gift to say thank you for performing.
Photos/Video of Your Performance
Yes, you can buy photos and a HD video of your performance. A link to purchase will be sent out with performer acceptances, please check your performer acceptance email. Photos and video will be delivered 8-12 weeks after PoleCon. Video is typically returned faster than photos. Photos are returned in the order of purchase.
All videos are added to the PoleCon YouTube channel. Some videos may be blocked due to music licensing.
Lakin Jones Photography is our house photographer.
Marketing and Model Release
Please note, signing our waiver and attending PoleCon allows us to use your video and photo in our marketing. You have no right to compensation for photography and video made as part of the event.
Tickets for My Parents/Boo/Friend
PoleCon showcases will be livestreamed live on our YouTube channel.
Individual showcase tickets are available for all showcases held at Maryland Live! Hotel and Casino. They will go on sale February for the following June event.
Only performers (and approved human props) can use the performer discount.