You’re doing everything right—Training both sides. Eating well. Hitting the gym and the studio. …But…

PoleCon 2021 Survey Results
Thank you for taking our survey!
Every response helps us get better and better! I personally read every single response and email a few people that require responses or have specific questions.
This year 96% of you said the event was “Very Good” or “Excellent” (same as 2019 which is honestly a huge surprise with all the challenges this year! Thank you!)
91% of you said the paid workshops were “Very Good” or “Excellent” (down 1% from 2019)
100% of said the showcases were “Very Good” or “Excellent” (increase of 2% from 2019!)
“Colleen and her entire staff kept PoleCon going under crazy circumstances. Communication was great and we were very grateful to have the opportunity to attend. Truly wonderful people, great vendors, nice hotel with friendly staff in a great location.”
“If I attend during a pandemic and a natural disaster – I’ll go anywhere for this event!”
“PoleCon 2021 was my first polecon – and even though it was cut short, I will absolutely be back. The performances, the swag, the energy – it was a really fun and inclusive time. Even a hurricane couldn’t stop the awesomeness!”
Teachers who received several shout outs included:
- Ashley Fox
- Pole Kitten (new this year!)
- Ken Kao
- Accro Brandon
- Phoenix Kazree
What you loved:
- Overall, you continued to appreciate the diversity of the showcases. “I love the diversity on the PoleCon stage! It really seems like there’s a place for everyone.”
What you hated:
- The challenges with the pandemic and the hurricane.
- Climate control in the workshop rooms (some rooms were too cold, busy workshop rooms with lots of people were too hot): “The paid workshop was excellent. However, the room was very hot and the pole was slippery.” “My only recommendation is having workshop rooms where some level of climate control is in polecon or the instructors control.”
Mixed reactions:
- This year we did a digital booklet instead of a printed one which had information like maps for lunch and workshop rooms, information about after parties, etc. BUT not everyone saw it so there was some confusion about where and when things were.
Some things we worked on from last year:
(link to last year’s survey post)
- Time between workshops: we added 15 minutes between workshops as a COVID related precaution and will keep it moving forward.
Looking Ahead to 2022:
- Vegans: We again published the menus ahead of time so y’all had an idea of what you were in for. Ditto for my folks with allergies. This hotel said they had things figured out and lunch on Friday clearly did not show that. Every hotel is different, and it’ll always be a challenge feeding everyone well.
- Parking: always depends on the location! Plan accordingly.
- Price increases for Weekend Passes: expect one for 2022, anyone who moved a pass from 2020 or 2021 to 2022, this does not apply.
- Continuing the plastic wrist bands: we moved back to plastic from cloth as a COVID related precaution in 2021 and will keep them plastic moving forward. We had mixed reactions to the cloth after the 2019 event.
- Continuing with the digital booklet: we’ll do better at advertising it so you have all the info you need!
Some things that we just can’t fix
- Unless we win the lottery and can build a multi room PoleCon facility with giant ceilings, we’re stuck with stage poles in a hotel ballroom. Every year someone requests we have mounted poles (I wish this too!) Maybe one day! =) #goals
Thank you for being a part of PoleCon <3
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