You’re doing everything right—Training both sides. Eating well. Hitting the gym and the studio. …But…

PoleCon 2024: Recap
Thank you so much for coming to PoleCon 2024 BACK in the DMV!
This is my ninth, live PoleCon as CEO/owner, the thirteenth overall live event since its founding, and it just keeps growing!
From one attendee: “This year was just as amazing as last year, if not even more so! So glad that it will be in MD again next year too! So many great workshops and just a great place to see friends across the pole community and make more friends as well!”
PoleCon 2024 officially had ~1,425 people attend, including attendees, exhibitors, and workshop leaders over the course of the weekend; not everyone is at the convention all at one time and not all of us are in one place all the time. This is a slight increase from last year and featured attendees coming from as far away as New Zealand!
We added more vendors this year, some fun crafting workshops, and X-POLE brought their incredible aerial rig, debuting a flying pole playground.
We reprised 20 unique showcases highlighting the diversity of pole throughout the weekend.
Black Girls Pole Showcase on Friday night remains the largest showcase with the most live attendance.
This year we also continued our multi-camera livestream, featuring all showcases free/pay-what-you-can on our YouTube channel. At one point we had more than 1,000 people concurrently watching the livestream! Unfortunately, YouTube has blocked the replay on many of the days due to copyright issues.
We will be posting individual HD videos on our YouTube channel per usual once we receive them from our amazing videographer. Any video that does not appear is because of music copyright issues on that platform NOT because we censored it OR because a performer has requested their video not be posted.
People from all walks of life, all gender expressions, all colors, all shapes, and all sizes performed on our stage and had a great time!
PoleCon really is a family affair, and several generations of pole dancers and pole dance enthusiasts came to take part in some aspect of the Convention. This year we even had a few parent-child duets which were especially emotional.
Survey and Next Year
Per last year, after I review survey responses (going on now!) I may make some adjustments to aspects of the event moving forward. I will write another blog to explain the changes so y’all are prepared.
Where are we going for 2025?
After traveling from place-to-place since its founding, I’m happy to report that PoleCon has found a home at the Maryland Live! Hotel and Casino for the foreseeable future.
We will be returning the same weekend May 29-June 1 in 2025.
To provide more opportunities for more people to be involved in the event, PoleCon is debuting PoleCon: West! September 5-7, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Denver in Denver, Colorado.
The event will be slightly smaller as we test to see how running two large-scale, convention-style events goes. It will follow the same basic PoleCon format with showcases, a vendor area, and workshops. We will feature some new showcases at this event.
More information about how to be a part of both events will be coming in the next few months.
From an attendee: “I think keeping PoleCon in MD was a great choice to continue improving the experience, and I am so thrilled the West Coast will get a chance to experience this amazing event as well. Thank you for providing a weekend of fun, growth, and inspiration for all Pole people (: “
Keep tagging #polecon2024 in your memories and we’ll keep sharing them!
Thank you for believing in PoleCon and in the community we all love and support.
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