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Students stretch on the floor during a workshop.

What is interoception?

Interoception is understanding what our body feels like on the inside. The goal to developing a good sense of interoception from a movement perspective is to identify and categorize sensations in our body accurately so we can learn to understand…

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Word map organized into a star of choreography words.

Choreographic Devices

Learning to choreograph is a messy process which never ends. It can also be an enlightening and therapeutic process which helps both dance and dancer to evolve. If you want to learn to choreograph but aren’t sure where to start,…

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Word cloud of pole dance choreography words.

Choreography 101: Improv

Scene: After a recent showcase. STUDENT: That was so amazing! Everyone did such a great job! ME: Are you going to perform next time? STUDENT: Oh, no. I don’t know how to choreograph. The preceding scene has happened to me…

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Text: The Pole Dancer's Bill of Rights.

The Pole Dancer’s Bill of Rights

As pole dancers, we demand certain inalienable rights in the pursuit of our sport/dance/passion/hobby/career. The right to a positive experience. All pole dancers (studio owners, teachers, students, competitors, etc.) have the right to a positive and healthy experience in pursuit…

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