I've been thinking a lot lately about how my pole practice is evolving - as…

Hollywood South
So, Pole Convention 2015 will be your first time in New Orleans, and you’re not too sure Cougars Dating Sites what to expect? You are probably more familiar with the city than you realize. Aside from awesome food, we also go by the name “Hollywood South.” That’s right, the filming industry has really taken off the last decade and here’s why.
Have you seen American Horror Story: Coven? It was all filmed in NOLA. Even American Horror Story: Freakshow, even though the freaks in the show are suppose to be living in Florida- but nope, it was all filmed in the Big Easy. 21 Jump Street, Django Unchained, and Dallas Buyers Club and so many others all took the stage in the streets of New Orleans. In addition, there are dozens of films and shows in production as we speak.
Aside from our unique culture, food, and historic districts, filmmakers are awarded a higher tax break in Louisiana. As they say, money talks and this was the icing on the cake for production companies to bring filming here. We rely on tourism tremendously for our local economy and filming adds a whopping 7-800 million into our city each year. Hello! That means restaurants, clubs, museums, history tours, and our small business all reap the benefits, and we have jobs to feed our families.
Most of you probably know us as the land of Hurricane Katrina, but the truth is Katrina made our city much stronger than it ever was. It pretty much put us on the map of recognition for bigger industries to make their way here. So, thanks Katrina, you did something right. Okay, okay, maybe that was a cheesy Hurricane joke, but we are constantly trying to show the World that we are so much more than the city that was slammed with the category 5 storm of the century.
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We were in New We were in New Orleans last for the Jazz Festival Spring 2004. It was the most friendly and mgaical place we’d been sofar. I’m not sure I want to go back nowthat they have gentrified over half thepoor folks out of town. That’s what madeNew Orleans so wonderful. You could goand have a terrific time on a tight budget.I hear it’s turned into a theme park forrich white folks now. If that’s the case NewOrleans has lost its soul!VA:F [1.9.16_1159]please wait…VA:F [1.9.16_1159](from 0 votes)