The neat thing about having curves is that you are inextricably a muse for movement.…

What to pack for PoleCon 2019!
With PoleCon just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about all the things you will need to bring on your epic adventure! Listed below are some great things to take into consideration, specific items to bring for different workshops, along with fun ideas for a night out in the Denver area. We all like to take a little vacation and it’s a good idea to bring things you might normally have to think about.
Pack the Necessities
First things first, look over any notes for the workshops you’ve signed up for. Some may request kneepads, knee-high socks, tassels, boy shorts, etc. Don’t forget your shoes! We do have a shoe vendor—Crystal Clark Shoes—in case you need more! Also, keep in mind that while the workshops are pole attire friendly, you will be staying at a regular hotel where there will be children and other guests so dress appropriately in the hallways. Bringing some longer shorts or workout/yoga pants is probably not a terrible idea to have something to walk around in as well as sandals or flats to walk around the hotel in. They typically frown upon walking around in Pleasers, sadly. It would be smart to also pack a couple of tank tops and whatever you like to do your pole workouts in (dance clothes, boy shorts and a sports bra, what have you). There will be PLENTY of pole apparel vendors so make sure you leave some room in your suitcase for all your new swag!
Bring things that you normally have when you take pole and floorwork classes! PoleCon workshops typically will have alcohol to wipe the poles but no pole grip is provided. We do have some grip vendors like Pole Smart and Dew Point coming, but if you need a certain type of grip — make sure you bring it! You can typically purchase these items online or in your local studio if you’re not sure where to find them. If you forget to order them in time, your local sporting goods store (Dick’s for example), probably will carry some of these items. If you wear things like kneepads and ankle guards, bring those with you as well!
Traveling Around the Area
Remember you are also going to have fun, walk around, see some dope pole performances and possibly explore Denver outside of the hotel. The hotel has a tiny pool so this is a great time to go hiking or check out the local area. Also probably some comfy shoes, maybe a cute outfit or two if you want to have a fun night out with your roomies and pole friends, as well as a pair of heels or nice dress shoes for the men.
Lastly, you will not be at PoleCon 24/7 and you will probably have some down time before or after dinner or in the morning. It’s not a bad idea to bring a book or a tablet/e-reader to get in some summer reading! Also, keep in mind that PoleCon will not be providing all of your meals. So you may want to think about bringing things like granola bars, snacks, a bottle of your favorite beverage if you’re over 21, and money to buy food while you’re there. Usually the hotel will have at least a kiosk or two and sometimes a restaurant that you can purchase food from as well. There are tons of restaurants across the street from the hotel that you can check out too!
Oh…and anything that you like to take with you when you travel to remind you of home or just makes you feel good. For me, I like to bring one of my stuffed pandas, a good book, and a card game!
Tickets and workshops still available to PoleCon 2019!
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