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image of a femme presenting torso in fishnets and blond hair in a club setting.

Stripping 102 + Resource Guide Coming Soon!

I received such great feedback from my last post about this topic that I decided to do a follow-up one! Thank you all so much for that by the way!

COVID has definitely made dancing interesting for sure and a lot of dancers experienced unemployment like never before! For those who’ve already been dancing, you can still qualify for unemployment in some states AND PPP. I personally received a fair amount of unemployment last year, most of which I do not have to pay taxes on thanks to the recently passed American Recovery Act. To see if you’re eligible for unemployment, just Google your state and ‘unemployment insurance.’ Do not apply if you found other employment outside of dancing last year (excluding side gigs/independent contractor work). This also only applies if you were unemployed strictly due to COVID.

Additionally, independent contractors/self-employed folks (must not have had any other jobs/jobs that took out taxes) during 2020 to qualify and have filed either 2019 or 2020 taxes. A great and easy site to use to see if you qualify for PPP is Womply. Feel free to use my referral link as well at https://r.womply.com/ydQT. Because I didn’t make much last year, thanks COVID, I was eligible for a decent amount of money. The loan is forgivable as long as you meet some minimum requirements.

But back to stripping! My club finally reopened at the beginning of March and has since hired dozens of new dancers, some with experience and some who are total newbies.

Whether you’re a veteran dancer or just getting started, here’s some great additional tips to follow…

  1. If you see a girl talking to a customer, even if it’s someone you’re cool with, don’t just sit down with them. Ask first! Don’t try to force a customer to get dances from you either if you can tell it’s a regular customer of the girl’s. Be kind and courteous. Especially if you’re at a new club. Try to avoid drama at all costs. Some girls will fight girls over customers. I’ve seen it happen on several occasions at multiple clubs.
  2. Don’t talk to customers sitting at the stage while girls are performing. I see girls do this frequently not just to me but in general. It is extremely rude and inconsiderate. If you think a customer might be interested in dances or a room, try to talk to them while you’re on stage. Or…once you’re offstage ask them to move away from the stage and talk to them about different options your club has available.
  3. Don’t touch another girl’s money unless you actually plan to give it to her. Sometimes dudes will make it rain and money will fall all over the club. It’s fine to help her pick it up but don’t pocket any for yourself. Typically, there are cameras throughout the club and even if she doesn’t know, the managers will. Don’t get fired over ‘cockroaching.’
  4. Don’t agree to things you don’t want to/plan to do. If a customer asks what you can do in VIP use vague wording like ‘have lots of fun/more fun.’ If they ask for specifics, then they’re probably looking for certain things. Some clubs let girls do extras and some don’t. But don’t ever do anything that you’re personally not comfortable with. Additionally, ALWAYS make sure you get paid BEFORE a private room session starts. I cannot stress this part enough. Some clubs and/or customers are shady so make sure you see proof before proceeding.
  5. Join the ‘Strategic Stripping’ Facebook group! Feel free to join the group, ask questions like ‘what clubs are good in my city?’ ‘Do you need/how do you get a license?’ ‘How old do you have to be to work in my city?’ Some cities you have to be 21+ some are 18+. Some places are just bikini bars and some are full-nude. Again, make sure you’re comfortable with what’s expected. Of the cities that I’ve personally worked, Atlanta (and surrounding metro area) are all full-nude. Phoenix and surrounding areas are mostly topless only. Two clubs have a nude side and a handful let you be nude only in private rooms. If you’re under 21 and working, don’t drink on the job. Clubs can get shutdown for underage drinking and while it doesn’t happen too often, it can. Don’t be the reason your club gets shutdown.
  6. Follow your club’s COVID regulations. Obviously, this varies by city, state and country! A lot of clubs have eliminated floor dances and are only doing VIP sections and private rooms. Some are stage only. Stay safe and mindful of new rules during this slightly awkward time.

For more helpful tips and tricks, I’m putting together a resource guide with money saving tips, financial planning advice, tax tips, licensing information, how to audition, and more! You can pre-order a copy for just $20! https://checkout.square.site/merchant/B395PJ4Y4Q6E0/location/NBBN7VPY32VFX/order/HHhjRT68UsEPDQxPpLAwwcPdqf4F

A free directory of SWer friendly service providers can be found at https://www.phxentertainers.com/service-providers.html. This site also has a growing list of clubs that have been vetted by myself and colleagues. I would strongly recommend reaching out to the club you’re interested in and asking them if they’re hiring, if it’s not directly stated on their social pages, what the audition procedures are, and when to come in.

Lily T.
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