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image of the COVID virus under microscope

PoleCon 2020 Update: Coronavirus

We are living in a very strange time. I’ve always been very honest and upfront with the PoleCon community and here are the details of where we are today. Early into the coronavirus/COVID-19 situation, when the Arnold was just canceled,…

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Ashely Fox executes a star fish on the pole.

Interview with Ashley Fox

Ashley Fox is a pillar of the pole community and a world class competitor who has astonished countless audiences with her award-winning pole performances. She is the co-founder and premier instructor of Foxy Fitness and Pole located in NYC and…

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Dark silhouette of a dancer leaning on a pole with blurred background.

Pole at the Superbowl

In case you somehow missed Shakira and J.Lo’s super lit halftime show, Shakira worked it out and J.Lo graced us once again with some pole tricks. She even hired several pole dancers (interview with them coming soon to the PoleCon…

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