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Individual looks at themselves in the mirror while holding a pole in a home setting.

Poling and Body Image

Before taking pole classes my body image and positivity were very much based on looks and weight alone. Do I look thin enough? Am I curvy enough? Do I weigh too much? With these thoughts in mind, I was very…

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Photo collage of dancers and performers smiling for the camera

Pole Is For EVERY Body

We come from all corners of the globe. Pole dancers represent all backgrounds, races, creeds, ages, philosophies, abilities and sexual identities. We perform different styles of dance as diverse as music itself. Yet we are all a family! Each and…

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Snoop Dogg performs while watching his back-up pole dancer perform

Pole Dancing In The Dogg House

Recently, the University of Kansas issued an apology to anyone who may have been offended by Snoop Dogg’s performance Oct. 4 at “Late Night in the Phog” to close out the celebration for its college preseason. The athletic director for…

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Distance image of a troupe of dancers on the PoleCon stage.

How to Have a Successful Workshop

Teaching any workshop can be daunting. A new environment and new students can bring new pressures. Here are tips to have a successful workshop with additional PoleCon-specific tips based on feedback from our attendee surveys. Be prepared Make sure you…

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Student lays on the floor watching pole videos and taking notes

Why You Should Record Your Practices

We’ve all been there, we feel like we’re kicking butt on a combo or routine that we’ve worked so hard to perfect. We’ve been watching ourselves meticulously through our mirror, analyzing every move. When showtime comes nearer, we feel pretty…

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