Let’s Get Your Glutes Going
Now that we have your Psoas acting right, we have to bring those glutes up to the same standard. Do you remember that blog where we covered the whole idea of “if you can’t move you die” and I painted…
Now that we have your Psoas acting right, we have to bring those glutes up to the same standard. Do you remember that blog where we covered the whole idea of “if you can’t move you die” and I painted…
Pole dancing is hard! It’s physically hard, it’s mentally hard (and can be super confusing – which leg do I use?!?), and it can be emotionally taxing as well. The key to being successful in your pole dance experience –…
Like everyone else, my training routine got a huge shock in March of 2020. I eventually found my way through it, with the online classes offered by my home studio, and the occasional extra workshop when I could afford it.…
What is an isometric movement? Let’s look at a bicep curl. In a bicep curl, you are bending and straightening your elbow. There are three types of muscle contractions that happen in the bicep curl: Concentric: the bicep muscle (on…
In the last article we talked through what your Psoas muscle is, where it can be found and how to start a conversation with it. The first Psoas activation was simply to take your hand and start massaging the area…
After my last few blogs, we should all agree that breathing is our bodies #1 goal because…. If we don’t breathe we DIE! Everybody on board with that? If I didn’t teach you anything else. If we didn’t learn one…
Loss of overhead motion of the shoulder that you perceive as “pinching on the top of the shoulder.” Your shoulder motion comes from several joints - not just the ball & socket of the shoulder (aka the glenohumeral joint). There…
If you’ve ever had neck and shoulder pain, you have likely experienced one of the following symptoms: A sensation of tightness on one side of the neck that is exacerbated by neck movement (either towards that side or away). Loss…
(also posted on the IPIA website) We held the third annual Virtual PoleCon Saturday October 22, 2022, to a small but enthusiastic, virtual crowd! This event was born during the pandemic and has changed in all three of its incarnations…
One of my favorite things about learning & teaching pole dancing is the sense of community. I live in Los Angeles, which is car-centric beyond all reason, and I really think that's one of the reasons why it's so hard…