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Screen shots of Instagram saves from PoleCon

How to Make Instagram Work for You

Instagram is the largest worldwide pole dance resource available free of charge. It connects dancers to other polers, studios, workshops, training camps, conventions, showcases, and competitions across the globe. While Facebook, and YouTube are both excellent resources, Instagram has blown…

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Pole dancer demonstrates a Jade Split.


I hope you have been doing you stretches because it is time to take these splits to the pole! Now, the perfect jade split isn’t going to happen in an instant. My biggest advice, besides consistent stretching, is to do…

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Word cloud of pole dance techniques.

Swinging Both Ways

Do you swing both ways? On the pole, I mean. Everyone has a dominant hand/side that we unconsciously choose to do almost everything in life and this includes pole dancing. You learn every spin, every invert, every technique leading the…

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