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Ceiling picture with a pole on a reinforced plywood sheet outlined by rope lights.

Pole and All the Comforts of Home!

Home is a beautiful place: it’s a sanctuary of comforts, and a treasure trove of what makes me tick. I imagine you may feel the same: for me, anything that fits with the look and feel of everything I am…

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Instructor spots pole dance student during a floor Planche

The Perfect Trainer

The role of the trainer is crucial! If you start poledancing with a bad trainer, you may become demotivated and lose interest in this sport. It is very important to find YOUR trainer. This trainer should psychologically suit your personality…

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Pole dancer executes a inverted move against a white backdrop

Why choose to Pole Dance?

Millions of people are getting obsessed with this interesting and unusual kind of sport—pole dance. Why the pole is so charming and attractive? Here are some reasons why we pole dance in Russia: You open new opportunities of your body.…

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Pole dance troupe all in white pose together as a group.

Are you a new poler?

Dear New and Potential Pole Students: I’ve been asked recently what advice I would give a new pole student or someone considering class and here’s what I’ve compiled: 1. Just fucking do it! You are *NOT* too fat, too weak,…

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Head shot of an individual eating a burger

How to Eat for Pole Dancing

Ahh FOOD! If you think about it in many ways most of our daily activities revolve around it in some way or another. Whether we’re meal prepping, planning a dinner, meeting friends for a snack, or going to the movies…

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