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Ashely Fox executes a star fish on the pole.

Interview with Ashley Fox

Ashley Fox is a pillar of the pole community and a world class competitor who has astonished countless audiences with her award-winning pole performances. She is the co-founder and premier instructor of Foxy Fitness and Pole located in NYC and NJ.
Here are SOME of her recent achievements according to her website:
  • 2019 American Pole League Champion
  • 2018 PSO US National Pole Champion
  • 2018/2014 Pole Classic at Pole Expo Overall Champion
  • 2018 PSO Triangle Pole Champion
  • 2018 Pole Expo’s Polapalooza Champion
  • 2016 Paragon International Champion
  • 2016/2015 PSO Atlantic Pole Champion
  • 2016 Titans of Pole Champion
  • 2016 New England Pole Champion
  • 2014 Pole Expo Overall Champion
Ashley has also been featured in a recent Calvin Klein Ad alongside Bella Hadid, Alanna Arrington, and Abby Champion (2019); Vogue Magazine with Lupita Nyong’o (2018); Nightline (2016); The Action Bronson Show (2017); and Margot vs. Lily (2016).
Ashley had a very BIG 2019, and she was gracious enough to set aside time from her busy schedule for a friendly chat.

1.      How long have you been pole dancing and how did you get into it?

I have been poling for over 8 years and started when a co-worker invited me to class. After about 10 classes, I began to self-train along with my partner Virgil Avery.

2.      Do you have any other performance/dance background?

I have a background in cheerleading from when I studied at Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC.

3.      Foxy Fitness and Pole has inspired thousands to take up pole lessons since 2011. Were there challenges for you and your partner Virgil Avery to be on the ground floor of American pole fitness back then?

It was a bit of a challenge because of the many negative stigmas people had about pole, but we stuck to it and made sure that we provided a safe and inspiring environment to help broaden the views of Pole Dancing.

4.      Your jaw dropping performances are known for their stunning consistency and surgical precision that delivers audible gasps of astonishment from the audience. How much preparation goes into creating a particular routine?

A lot of time and focus goes into creating my routines. I can train for about 3 hours a day, 6 days a week, for up to 4 months, and still feel like need more time.

5.      Different competitions require varied length of performance, costume coverage, and not all competitions have a consistent consensus of which pole is static and spin. How do you keep track of all those compulsory moves, and modifications required for each event while teaching, training, and ( hopefully) finding time to rest?

I definitely do my due diligence and go over the rules, moves, and requirements for each competition. After competing in over 35 pro competitions, I know what to expect from each organization. Also, as an instructor/coach, it is necessary to make sure that I prepare my students correctly.

6.      Recently, the iconic company Calvin Klein featured you pole dancing in an advertisement for their new clothing line. What was the film shoot experience like?

I am so grateful that I received the opportunity to perform a sporty pole display for the renowned clothing line Calvin Klein! The film shoot was great! Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. I got to work with some amazing distinguished models such as Bella Hadid. They gave me the freedom to do what I do best and then I was free to enjoy the rest of my day! It was great to be able to represent pole dancers on such a huge platform.

7.      You were impressively performing in leggings while being filmed for this clothing advertisement. Were #mycalvins a challenge on the pole?

Thankfully, it was not the first time I have poled in leggings. I was a little nervous, but I choose pole moves strategically. It was such a fun challenge.

8.      The Black Girls Pole Showcase at PoleCon has earned it’s reputation as a can’t miss event. Having been blessed to see you perform many times over the years, my personal favorite was when you made all the shoes pop last year in Denver, Colorado. The energy was electric, and the audience didn’t want to let you go! What is the most rewarding aspect of the Black Girls Pole Movement to you?

It’s so rewarding to have such a positive representation of black women! Black queens came together and made something grand and uplifting. Representation is so important for everyone to have. I am very grateful for all the love and support everyone has given to the Black Girls Pole Movement!

9.      What do you enjoy most about PoleCon ?

I love that people from all over the world come together to support each other’s pole journeys! It is so inspiring and exciting especially when you meet other polers whom you only see online. There are workshops and performances of all Levels so you can keep really busy. I also very much enjoy the food! *workshops on sale now*

10.  You recently performed for over 15,000 people with Snoop Dogg in Wilkes-Barre Township, PA. Have you ever performed in front of that many people before? What’s it like to share the stage with Tha Doggfather?


That was my first time performing in front of that many people. It was an honor to perform for a hip-hop legend, and especially alongside some of my fellow peers. The experience was very enjoyable and memorable!

11.  Is there anyone in the world of pole dance that you admire? Is there any new people in the pole community that you’re really excited about?

There are so many pole people I admire! Yumiko Harris, my general manager at Foxy Fitness, is an amazing pole athlete and dancer! She has great floor-work with many cool flips and transitions in her routines! Rebeca Sanchez and Hanna Fomenko are also 2 of my instructors at Foxy Fitness, who are definitely up and coming. Both are so inspirational with pole and always bring good energy to the studio.

12.  What do you have to say to the people who say “I could never pole dance”?

If you believe it you can achieve it. Don’t put limitations on what you can do. The proper thought should be “Do I want to pole dance?”. If the answer is yes, then go for it! I’ve seen people of all ages, sizes, genders, and backgrounds take up pole and be very successful at it. You definitely get back what you put in.

Bonus Question: Heard you love roller skating… have you ever done Poler Skating before?

I have not tried that yet!
Lori Lu
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