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Text "Atl 11" Pole Con Atlanta June 2-5, 2022

Interview with New PoleCon Instructor: Darknight

We are sitting down to talk to our new instructors for PoleCon 2022! Learn more about them and then click here to purchase their workshops.

1. We’re so excited to have you teach at PoleCon this year! Can you tell us a little more about what you’re teaching?

I will be co-teaching the Splitting Image: Doubles Workshop with my pole partner Candi Reign. There’s an art and technique to double pole action and we are excited to break down everything for students to enhance their practice safely with a heavy splash of fun! We will be navigating pole besties on all things double action: tricks, spins, transitions, and building partner connection on/off the pole. 

2. Is there something that defines your style of teaching or your content that is unique to you?

I believe I’m a shapeshifter when it comes to teaching styles. It’s important to meet people where they are physically and mentally to pull out the best of them at every level. I lead with enthusiasm packaged with an emphasis on safety and technique which comes from my years of experience as a competitive collegiate cheerleader and coach. 

3. What is the one thing you want your students to leave with after taking your workshop? 

I want students to leave this experience with a new perspective on navigating pole double work in a way that ignites their individual and collective pole journey. 

4. What are you most excited about for PoleCon 2022? 

I am most excited about returning to the stage to perform in the contemporary/artistic showcase. This style of pole dance is my favorite! I’m always happy to share a message through my movement and art of emoting. 

5. Anything else you want to share with PoleCon attendees?

If you’re still reading all of these words, you’re amazing simply because you exist and I hope to meet as many of y’all as possible; so don’t be shy when you see me in hotlanta! Feel free to call me Auntie, Darknight, or DK if ya nasty! See y’all soon 🙂



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