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Pole dance troupe all in white pose together as a group.

Are you a new poler?

Dear New and Potential Pole Students: I’ve been asked recently what advice I would give a new pole student or someone considering class and here’s what I’ve compiled: 1. Just fucking do it! You are *NOT* too fat, too weak,…

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Head shot of an individual eating a burger

How to Eat for Pole Dancing

Ahh FOOD! If you think about it in many ways most of our daily activities revolve around it in some way or another. Whether we’re meal prepping, planning a dinner, meeting friends for a snack, or going to the movies…

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Pole Con Australia logo

PoleCon Australia now open!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The International Pole Convention (PoleCon) announces its first overseas event, with our new Australian license holder! PoleCon Australia will be held in Sydney 12-14 April 2019, in conjunction with the first ever Pole and Aerial Park at…

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Individual doing the splits on a fallen log on the beach with text "The necessity of being flexy"

The Necessity of Being Flexy

Flexibility plays a large part in living your best life, and an even larger part in living your best pole life. It improves range of motion, reduces risk of injury, improves posture, and makes your pole tricks look bomb. The…

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