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Image of instructor executing brass monkey and title: Brass Monkey Tutorial

Tutorial: Brass Monkey

Brass Monkey is a touchstone advanced pole move. It’s an impressive trick that teaches knee pit hangs and transitions. In this tutorial let’s examine the gold standard approach through the Shoulder Mount, which is one of the safest ways into…

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Pole dancer sits on the floor straddling the pole & leaning back.

I Resolve . . . .

It’s the time of year when resolutions are made, and I’m wondering about my goals for pole in 2016. Leaving pole class last night I realized that I am finally at peace with what I can and can not do.…

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Roz the Diva gets interviewed by 123TV at PoleCon

Interview with Roz the Diva

Annemarie Davies from United Pole Artists in conjunction with our Gold Sponsor 123Poling.com, the best online resource for pole dance tutorials,  talks with Roz "The Diva" Mays at PoleCon 2015! They talk about Roz's "Dangerous Curves" showcase, the first and…

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