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Empty pole dance studio

Keeping Pole Positive

The Pole Community is the Happiest Place on Earth Let’s face it: we love the pole community because it’s so positive. How many times have you personally described pole as your “happy place?” We love pole because it’s an environment…

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Pole dancer sits on the floor straddling the pole & leaning back.

I Resolve . . . .

It’s the time of year when resolutions are made, and I’m wondering about my goals for pole in 2016. Leaving pole class last night I realized that I am finally at peace with what I can and can not do.…

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Pole dancers in red pole in a studio.

Pole Dancing is NOT a Fitness Fad

I have had a few Pole friends wonder if Pole is just another fitness fad which will eventually go the way of Tae Bo or Jazzercise.  Every time the topic has come up we have laughed (somewhat nervously) and made…

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